Become a sponsor

Become a Sponsor

Businesses and community organizations have been an integral part of the Christmas Store since its inception. Becoming a sponsor offers benefits specific to larger organizations including recognition at the event, on social media, and exclusive volunteer opportunities.

If none of the sponsorship opportunities outlined meet your needs, please reach out to us. We love to be creative and build partnerships that are mutually beneficial, so we are always open to new ideas!

Sign up to be a sponsor today! Select your desired sponsorship method below:

Your business can make a difference.

  • Cash & In Kind Donations

    Become a Christmas Store sponsor through a cash or in-kind donation. .

    Just $500 can cover the cost of the event for 4-5 small families. In-kind donations can include brand new toys OR gift cards to any major retailer that sells toys.

    We also appreciate the donation of wrapping supplies like wrapping paper, gift tags, tape, etc.

    We gratefully accept any donation, but if you would like more guidance you can review the wishlists on our Donate page.

  • Community Recognition

    All sponsors will receive community recognition benefits including logo and link on our website, social media shoutout, and logo in print material at the event.

    Additional benefits available higher level donors including exclusive teambuilding/volunteer opportunities and recognition as a presenting sponsor in any TV, radio or newspaper placements.

    Visit our social media sites to see how corporate sponsors have been recognized in past years.

  • Ongoing Partnership

    The Christmas Store is just one of the amazing things happening in Shafter. The Shafter Christmas Store is now a part of Listen to Shafter, a community benefit organization committed to amplyifying the voice of Shafter citizens and seeking positive transformation in our city.

    We are happy to partner with your business year round! Our ongoing efforts in the community include projects to promote literacy, public art, and more.

    Visit Listen to Shafter’s website to learn more.

Not a business or a community organization?

Visit our Donate or Volunteer page to learn more about how individuals can get involved!